For me, one of the most exciting new artists at the moment! THE ONLY WAY IS FAST FORWARD
Marion Hellweg, Journalist, Munich

Margriet Elisabeth N.ten, Art collector, Amsterdam

„Heidi’s pictures are so honest that they initially leave the viewer speechless. At second glance, they are full of love, because they show us how superficially standardized our view of the world has become. Heidi forces us to look at how beautiful even the darkest feeling is. She provokes, makes us smile, loves colors and creates wonderful compositions. Her development in recent years is breathtaking, I am very excited to see what is yet to come!“
Johanna Kiefer, Art collector, Stuttgart

Silke Teschke/@f3000, Artist, Munich

Playful tragicomedy on canvas:
It was on a Monday morning at Lake Constance when I first met Heidi van b in one of my painting workshops. After she had settled into her place and tacked large canvases to the wall, I noticed her casual and uninhibited approach, which she then demonstrated in her painting. I could observe how Heidi obviously lives her life motto: „I am who I am“, which she has made her own. One picture after another came into being, playfully easy, without much fuss, without drama – without ever questioning what was painted.
They are not beautiful, in the conventional sense, Heidi’s pictures. Nor do they have to be. Because that is not the task of art. Art can be beautiful, but it should also be uncomfortable and break up fixed patterns of behavior and thinking. If Heidi’s pictures do one thing for sure, it is exactly that: they provoke, these naive, human figures that – similar to children’s drawings – are reduced to almost unrecognizability. It may well be that one or the other creature has no arms, or that a penis may have grown on the backside of a male body. „Art is crazy, just like everything. So what!“ is a statement by the artist.
When I saw the first finished picture, I was briefly irritated. But then something unexpected happened: The childlike innocence of the main characters conjured up a smile on my face. I recognized myself in them, and that made me feel reconciled. Heidi neither lies to herself nor to the viewers of her pictures. She shows people in their imperfection, yes – but not darkly, but in cheerful, positive colors. There is no one who judges. Perhaps that is the beauty and healing power beyond any pleasingness that is inherent in these pictures. I was not surprised that my habit as a teacher, to give advice from time to time, did not even occur to me when dealing with Heidi. Perhaps only because the pictures, in their ruthless authenticity, are somehow perfect. So I simply dropped by to see her from time to time and smiled, mostly together with Heidi.
Alexander Jeanmaire, Artist, Author, Winterthur, Swiss

As gallerists, the most terrifying and beautiful thing is when the works of an artist, like those of Heidi van B, excite and appeal to us so much that we immediately buy them for ourselves. That’s not really the business model of a gallery.
Heidi van B is an artist for us who paints in such an extraordinary way as we rarely experience. Her partly real, partly fictional mental worlds, themes that occupy her currently or from the past, but also emotions from experienced or unexperienced, her paintings hit us with full force and bring an expression to the canvas that moves us.
„Jonny and his friend with the sausage“ has exactly that in the title: The sadness paired with comedy, almost gallows humor, because the friend is not seen, but the grave with the cross and the sausage hanging on it.
In our age, we want to say: how sad, how beautiful, oh so comforting and lifelike that is!
Or the picture „Annalena“, who is shown naked here with a few brushstrokes, painted feminine but arbitrary, reduced to the essential as a human being. And yet, despite the simplicity, the title fits perfectly.
Heidi van B is extraordinary, as an artist and as a person, and finds exactly the people and buyers who feel something with her art that is almost impossible to put into words
Prof.Martin Kaiser, Art collector, Stuttgart & Susanne Gürth., Gallery Owner, Valencia